Trying to check the last seen of a person on WhatsApp and its hidden, Wheather the person private their last seen or blocked you on Whatsapp. still, if you want to check the active status of a person then you can work around to check when a person was online. Whatever your question is See WhatsApp last seen if Blocked or Hidden, then read this article to solve your query with your fingertip.
WhatsApp last seen of a person if it’s hidden or blocked you?
WhatsApp has an important feature to check a person whether online or offline, moreover, the user has the freedom to sow their activity status with others by playing with privacy policy settings. If you are blocked or the status is hidden, then a simple hack can solve your problem continue to read this article here.
Why someone’s online status is hidden?

Are you unable to see when was the last time a person was active on WhatsApp? Well, the platform hides the last seen for three reasons:
- If You have private your last seen.

- You may have made your own online status private.
- A person has changed his privacy setting and hidden their last seen for limited contacts

- If you didn’t save the contact number and others only show active status with his contacts.
- Or you have been blocked by the other person.

Install a free and ad-free app on your android or iOS mobile and Web Extension

WatStat tracker is one free app for android and iOS users, you can check any WhatsApp last seen when another person has private online status or is blocked. In the free version, you can track only one contact at a time.
- Visit the Google Play store and iOs store, and Download WaStat WhatsApp Tracker.

- Open the app and skip the instructions.

- Add a Number by tapping on the icon at the top right corner.

- Add the WhatsApp number want to track. Make sure to add the prefix of the international code (+91 for Indian numbers)
Use WA Web Plus Chrome extension on a computer

If You have a computer and you can use the google chrome WA Web Plus extension, Search WA Web Plus for WhatsApp and install it in the web browser. As per the wikiHow report, some people claim it works perfectly and some claim that it does not work for them. however, you can try this on your computer let’s experience it.
- Open Google Chrome on your computer.
- Search WhatsApp web plus extension, download the extension and click run.
- Open a new tab and type
- Now verify the already running WhatWeb Plus over a left window of WhatsApp web.
- You have to log in to your Google account now.
- Go on your phone and install the app.
- Then your Google account will get in sync with the computer.
- Check to see if the status has turned to the ‘connected’ option and is green.
- Now click on the + icon to add the contact that you want to track.
- You will be able to get pop-up notifications on the phone whenever you choose to go offline or online.
FAQ related to WhatsApp last seen status hidden
How do you see last seen on WhatsApp if someone hide or blocked you?
If you are not able to see the last seen of the person on WhatsApp, this could be because another person has private online status or blocked you. By simple hack, installing third party app and check anyone last seen if it’s hidden in WhatsApp.
Is there any app to see hidden last seen on WhatsApp?
Yes! there are third-party apps available check last seen in WhatsApp if it’s hidden for you. Popular free and ads-free apps are here.
1. WaStat – WhatsApp tracker
2. Whatsweb for WA
Why would someone turn off their last seen on WhatsApp?
WhatsApp has a feature to improve the privacy and security of our users, user are free to select the privacy setting and hide their last seen for all contacts or selected contacts.
The Bottom Lines
This article is particularly for solving the problem hidden last seen in your WhatsApp app. here we have explained tricks to check someone last seen if it is hidden or blocked for you. In android or iOS, you can install the party app which will help to last seen, In a computer, you can use a web extension.