Home Tech News Apple Confirms iPhone with Universal USB C Port is Coming

Apple Confirms iPhone with Universal USB C Port is Coming

Apple has confirmed future iPhones will be available with universal USB-C ports In an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

Apple Confirms IPhone With Universal USB C Port Is Coming

Apple has confirmed that the iPhone is switching to Universal USB-C. According to the GSMarena report, an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Apple Marketing lead Greg Jowswiak said that the company will be moving to a change in lightning port to USB-C, and also said that his team is not happy with the change.

This interview involved software VP Craig Federighi, as well none of them revealed when exactly the move will happen. It expects that the move will start with iPhone 15 and iPhone16, according to market rumors.

The Apple executives said, “the Europeans are the ones dictating timing for European customers” reported in GSMarena. Joswiak refused to direct answer about whether Apple will ship a connector sold outside the EU, but that seems very unlikely.

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